For the Idean Cluster, academic and scientific institutions (University of Ioannina, University of Crete, Academy of Neurosciences) collaborate with a group of companies specialized in the development of online education platforms and in the development of advanced online multimedia tools for educational purposes, which are integrated into the platform. The innovation cluster is also supported by actors with publishing and educational expertise, experience in project management, coordination and long-term project planning, as well as in communication/dissemination and market positioning of innovative products. The facilitator, with its expertise, is involved both in the technological part, as well as in the academic and coordination part.
During the first 9 months of the project, 2 work modules were developed in parallel: on the one hand, a team of academics, under the auspices of the academic/scientific institutions, defined the set of educational content that was developed, designed and created the basic core of this content, and defined the appropriate multimedia tools that had to support this content. On the other hand, companies specialised in the development of web platforms created the basic infrastructure of the platform.
In the next 9 months, the development of the multimedia that will support the academic content will be started and completed, and their integration into the platform environment will be carried out. At the same time, the development of the personalised learning methodology will be initiated, and its integration into the applications/capabilities of the platform. The personalisation mechanism will be based on a combined weighting carried out by the platform (through algorithms to be developed for this purpose) between the thematic module, the duration, complexity, cognitive requirements and type of learning supported by each individual training tool and the cognitive background of the users, the educational objectives they have set themselves, the duration and depth of training they wish to receive, their language preference and the dominant learning pattern in the
Finally, during the last 6 months, marketing activities will be launched, which will involve the use of social media and the presentation of the platform to domestic Universities as well as to targeted institutions in Eastern/Southeastern Europe, Russia, Turkey and Egypt.